Who has Copyright on this site? 

  • This website and its content has been created by past and current committee members of the club. Layout of this site is by the Webmaster and Club Secretary, and all text and pictures have been provided with the permission of the copyright holders. Overall copyright is held by The Rover P6 Club, and no copying is allowed without the written permission of the Club Secretary. 
  • Acknowledgements with thanks for their contributions to: Michael Allen, Sam Glover, Dave Pilkington, Fraser Kinghorn, Matthew Weckert, Johan Löwik, Nick Dunning, Adam Piper, David Beadle, and the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust for their pictures. 


What is the membership money spent on? 

  • The club has one of the lowest membership fees for a single make classic car club. All committee members and helpers do so voluntarily in order to help and support Rover P6 Club members whether through events, publications, technical support or historical research. Club publications such as the bi-monthly magazine, Driving Force consume the largest proportion of funds, followed by shows and events, insurance, and the website. No payments are made to the committee, other than reimbursing expenses for the club where it has been necessary to pay for these from personal funds. 


Why should I become a member? 

  • The club offers membership to all owners and enthusiasts of the Rover P6 car. Single make car clubs are able to provide unrivalled support for “their” cars, something that becomes more important as the car gets older and rarer. There is also the social aspect in meeting like-minded people based around the car, and many long-term friendships have been made through the club. Although the club’s Facebook page has over 9,000 such people, this is only a forum for people to discuss the car. A paid-up membership enables you to access the full club services shown on the Club page, none of which is cheap to deliver. 


Is the club suitable for younger members?

  • Yes! The Rover P6 makes for an affordable classic car, meaning younger members have a chance to enjoy without ludicrous funds. We have many younger members, including some who are part of our committee, so you will feel at home when attending our club events, or visiting us at shows.


Do I need to own a Rover P6 to join? 

  • We have many members who own and enjoy their P6s. Some of these are used regularly, some infrequently, and some are off the road for maintenance or a full rebuild. We also have members who are enthusiasts of the car, or who are “between P6s”. We welcome all members, whether you have no car at all, a rough example or a pristine show winner. 


I live outside the UK, is the club worth it for me? 

  • Whilst the majority of the membership is UK based, partly because this is where the largest number of surviving P6s are, we have a significant number of enthusiastic overseas members in several European countries, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand where the car was originally sold. The club has links with some local Rover or British car clubs in these countries and has been able to put members together for meetups and events. The club is also able to support overseas members in keeping their cars on the road with a good knowledge of where to get hold of parts. 


Does the club hold meetings? 

  • As well as the larger events, the club runs a number of Area Meetings, usually at a local pub on a monthly basis. This is a good way of getting to know other members and perhaps to get together at other local events. There is also a club Annual General meeting held annually at which the committee reports back on the prior year and upcoming plans to the wider membership. 
  • All meetings and events are shown on our Events page. 


Can I visit the club? 

  • The club does not have a “clubhouse” as such. We are present at the NEC Restoration Show in March and the NEC Classic Car show in November where most of the committee are present, as well as our Club National. Committee members are usually wearing club shirts and are very approachable – call in and see us. 


Does the club Supply Parts? 

  • The Rover P6 is currently well served for replacement parts with a number of specialist suppliers around the UK (and some overseas). The club holds a list of these for members to support any work they are doing, as well as garage services known to support the P6 with expertise. 
  • The club does not compete with these businesses, instead providing information to our members as to where to purchase required parts. 


Buying and selling cars and parts – does the club have a classified section? 

  • Currently, the club does not have a classified section in the club magazine. There is a delay between production, printing and delivery and it only goes to members. As a result, we have found this rather an inefficient way of advertising cars and parts wanted / for sale. 
  • We do not allow sales on our main Facebook page as we have had some instances where complaints were aired, and the main purpose of the page is to share P6 experiences, events etc. However we do suggest that our facebook page Rover P6 Spares,Cars For Sale,Wanted is an excellent place for such classifieds.